
Posts Tagged ‘Chat shows’

Jeremy Kyle.  I love him.  However, I cannot decide whether I am proud or ashamed to announce I have spent most of my summer holiday watching his shows.  What the hell – I’m Proud!  He has recently celebrated his 1000th show anniversary and I salute him!  I agree Jeremy is like Marmite-you really do either love or hate him. 

I may be biased but personally I think he is slated too much.  I mean, OK, maybe the odd titter did escape me whilst watching the ‘in-need’ guests rant and rave on stage, but they are all offered quality help at the end of the show.  Help they would never have been able to get their hands on or afford without the show.  I would not know which direction to walk in if I wanted my partner to take a lie-detector test, for example.  Other than the Jeremy Kyle show and Trisha…( Oh and the Police!)…I don’t know who uses them.  Another common request is Paternity testing.  I’m no expert but surely these don’t come cheap.  Hmmm, would I embarrass myself in exchange to learn who my child’s father was?  Erm, no but I can fully understand why guests do!  (I don’t have a child by the way..)

‘Who does that Jeremy Kyle think he is!?’  is the question I have stumbled upon most when Googling him.  Angry writers in forums with names such as ‘WeHateJeremyKyle.com’ want to know the answer.  Surely, the only man right for his job would be someone who ‘has been there.’  Someone who knows what it’s like to have lost everything and truly been at rock bottom?  Well, he has.  He is experienced and so his views are valid.  He knows and understands how life changes for the worst when you suffer an addiction.  He has lost people close to him.  I suppose he has learnt from his mistakes, bettered himself and is now in the position to offer his advice to others.  Some people just don’t want to hear it!

He devotes his days to shelling out help to those that ask for it.  In one article. his show was classed as ‘Human Bear-baiting!’  This angered me as I know many people also consider it to be such.  They’re forgetting that the guests ring the show.  They actually pay to call him.  They are 100% consenting and everything is initiated by them.  How Jeremy Kyle and Co. could be ‘taking advantage’ of these people escapes me.  It is not as if his team and he go out and hunt for ‘prey’.  All guests call the show, knowing full well they have to sit on-stage and declare all.  They do it because they get help.  Jeremy has held a 1000+ shows.  Imagine how many people him and his team must  have helped during the 5 years he’s been on air.  In my eyes, I can only see him improving people’s lives. 

As I admitted before, yes his shows can be hilarious at times.  But I’m laughing at the guests, not Jeremy.  I don’t feel guilty at finding some people’s troubles funny because at the end of the day I’m human.  Many people are disgusted at the way guests seem to be belittled onstage.  Apparently, it’s atrocious how Jeremy speaks to them.  I disagree again.  I believe that if you air your troubles, willingly on TV, you open yourself up to criticism.  I would expect to be laughed at.  That’s the type of world we live in.  Jeremy shows more respect to his guests than they ever show him.  Many are so rude to him that it’s a wonder he is as polite as he is! 

I think most people who’re against Jeremy are simply scared.  It is a relatively new type of chat show and it is beginning to be a very big hit.  People may be frightened because this show actually portrays what life is really like for some people in the UK.  Teenage pregnancy, domestic abuse, addiction.  We see many desperate and depressed people on this show who literally have no-where else to turn.  What does this say about the country we live in?  Is there really no other alternative but to expose all on a chat show to get someone to listen to you?  I’m not sure, but it’s something that Anti-Jeremy people should consider.  I’m sure most of his guests wish there was another way to get help, but until there is, Jeremy and his aftercare team will hopefully continue helping those in need.

And that’s why he’s the Human Of The Week.  And Hey, he really is only being honest!

Jeremy-You Rock!

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